Blender Game Making Challenge 11 - Theme
Hi everyone its time! Here is the Theme Announcement Video:
Its time for the Blender game making challenge 11
And the theme is ...NATURE
Here are some inspirational nature themed games:
The challenge lasts for a week , just make what you can , try not to use too much textures from Google and stuff.
Free steam key from the Humble Indie Bundle 9 for all participants while stocks last
Winner decided by judging panel will get:
Art of blender book (
A BGMC trophy
Blender cookie citizenship (
Winner of the Social vote will get:
A BGMC trophy
The right to chose the next theme for BGMC 12
How to enter:
1. Create an account on
2. Post a work in progress thread on the game work in progress section on BA
3. Post a link to your game on your work in progress thread on the official BGMC11 thread.
(Post the game as a .blend using the latest version of blender, if you use an older version just say what version it is so we can play it , you can also upload a .exe but this is non essential, I recommend hosting the files on Google Drive, Dropbox or blend swap)
Hope to see your games soon
Links for more info:
Official BGMC Blog:
Blender artist BGMC thread:!&p=2496694#post2496694
Blender artist:
Blender nation post:
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