Blender Game Making Challenge 11 - Theme

Hi everyone its time! Here is the Theme Announcement Video:

And for the people who don't want to watch the video here is the text instructions.
Its time for the Blender game making challenge 11

And the theme is ...NATURE

Here are some inspirational nature themed games:

The challenge lasts for a week , just make what you can , try not to use too much textures from Google and stuff.

Free steam key from the Humble Indie Bundle 9 for all participants while stocks last

Winner decided by judging panel will get:
Art of blender book (
A BGMC trophy
Blender cookie citizenship (

Winner of the Social vote will get:
A BGMC trophy
The right to chose the next theme for BGMC 12

How to enter:
1. Create an account on
2. Post a work in progress thread on the game work in progress section on BA
3. Post a link to your game on your work in progress thread on the official BGMC11 thread.
(Post the game as a .blend using the latest version of blender, if you use an older version just say what version it is so we can play it , you can also upload a .exe but this is non essential, I recommend hosting the files on Google Drive, Dropbox or blend swap)

Hope to see your games soon

Links for more info:
Official BGMC Blog:

Blender artist BGMC thread:!&p=2496694#post2496694

Blender artist:

Blender nation post:


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