
Showing posts from October, 2013

GaiaForge by Kheetor

Download GaiaForge souce - windows - windows x64 Rating : 9.0/10 GaiaForge is a puzzle game where you need to match different elements of nature together on a spherical grid "Gaia". In each level you will get total 20 elements of nature you need to place on your Gaia. The elements will analyze their neighbors and you must forging the areas with certain logic such as Fire can't lie next to Ice or Forest. Detailed rules you will learn by playing through the 16 levels included. Quick guide: ========== Place element pieces with Left Mouse Button and rotate the Gaia around with Middle Mouse Button. You can erase pieces with Right Mouse Button. Red markers between pieces: incompatible elements next to eachother Yellow markers: element missing Red marker on top of a piece: 3 of the same type elements surrounding (can be max 2) wip thread  -  Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Submission time

Sorry no video this time guys been busy and making my nature game aswell. Ok so It’s all over , Time is up. You have a day to upload and send us your game. Start packing your blends up you’ve got a day to upload the files and send them to us. Please find below instructions on how to submit your entry. prepare your submissions as follows, Back data into blend file(file, external data, pack data into blend file) [Extra step for windows users] Save game runtime(enable in addond panel, file/user prefrences/addons/game engine:save as game engine runtime/ then file/export/ save game engine runtime) Then zip up the blend file and upload it to somewhere online We recommend – Dropbox(public folder) Google drive(share public) Blend swap Paste all (packedblend files only) Leave a coment  in this thread

Blender Game Making Challenge 11 - Theme

Hi everyone its time! Here is the Theme Announcement Video: And for the people who don't want to watch the video here is the text instructions. Its time for the Blender game making challenge 11

Making space invaders demo

Here is a walk through from start to finish of me making space invaders in the blender game engine. Made in 1 shot with no edits. hope it you like it and learn something. Hope this shows just how quick and easy blender is to make something. 

200 twitter followers givaway

Woo! we just reached 200 twitter followers, watch the facebook page for a steam key to celebrate, first person gets it. good luck

Blender game Making Challenge 11 is almost here

Hi everyone , its almost time for the next blender game making challenge. Here a video with more info: Sorry about the quality , it got compressed really bad, the next video will be better quality. :D Yip the prizes will be : The new Art of blender book ( A gold painted blender game making trophy Since the pre-giveaway didn't work anyone who enters a game get a game from the humble inde bundle 9, while stocks last (i bought 3 bundles to give out 3 steam keys of each game, so there should be enough to go around) Don't forget to like the Facebook page, follow on twitter and subscribe to the YouTube channel for more updates and to get more people watching whats going on. Hope to see you all on the 20th for when the theme will be revealed. Links: Website: Facebook: Twitter: